2 min read

An open source note-taking platform designed specifically for software engineers.

  • Markdown support enables effortless inclusion of code blocks, flow charts, and images.

  • Quick capture feature ensures seamless workflow integration without interruptions.

📋 Features

  • ✅ Quick Capture
  • ✅ Day/Week Planner
  • ✅ Quick Reminder
  • ✅ Accessible
  • ✅ Code blocks
  • ✅ Flow charts
  • ✅ PDF Export
  • ✅ Minimal style
  • ✅ Light/Dark Theme
  • ✅ Animated UI
  • ✅ Tailwind styling
  • ✅ Markdown support

💻 Available for

  • MacOS

🕊️ Lightweight

No frameworks or added bulk

⚡︎ Fast

Spin-up ~70ms on local Machine

📄 Tech

  • Markdown
  • Electron
  • NodeJS
  • TailwindCSS
  • SQLite

🏛️ License